Small Animal Echocardiography
- Core Skills

This practical one day workshop will give you confidence to bring echo skills to your practice.
The course focuses on the equipment and techniques needed to reliably obtain key echo views; and, importantly, how to interpret them to best help your cardiac patients.
Numbers are strictly limited to ensure plenty of individual coaching from Jacqui. Attendees will benefit from Massey Vet School's new teaching facilities and amenable dogs, along with a large 'hands-on' component.
Try out a variety of ultrasound machines/probes and learn which would be best for your practice.
Click below to register or keep reading for more information.
Topics include
Equipment choice and set-up for basic small animal echocardiography
How to obtain the core echo views of the dog/cat heart
Analysis and interpretation of dog/cat echocardiograms
Clinical application - how to use your echo study in the diagnosis and management of cardiorespiratory cases in small animal practice
If interested/optional - Access a variety of ultrasound machines and probes, and ask BCF Ultrasound about the technical specifications (https://www.bcfultrasound.com/products/)
Learning Objectives
Understand relevant ultrasound physics and cardiac anatomy, to know how that applies to echocardiography in clinical practice
Learn appropriate equipment choice, ultrasound machine settings, preparation, patient and probe positioning for echocardiography in dogs/cats
Feel confident knowing how to reliably obtain right parasternal long and short axis echo views in dogs/cats
Understand B-Mode and M-Mode, when best to use them and their strengths/limitations
Know how to interpret right parasternal long and short axis echo views in dogs/cats
Understand the role of echo in primary practice